------------------------------------------ -- EZ A SZÁM CSAK TEXT FORMÁBAN LÉTEZIK -- ------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 91 21:54:11 CDT Date: Wed May 8 22:50:23 EDT 1991 Subject: *** TIPP *** #314 Tartalomjegyzek: ---------------- Felado : kl100@jpnaist.bitnet Temakor: nyomasmeres ( 6 sor ) Felado : hollosi%helios.ucsc.edu@ucscc.ucsc.edu Temakor: whois ( 15 sor ) Felado : gabor@cerberus.chpc.utexas.edu Temakor: alma mutter ( 4 sor ) Felado : u1126@dgogwdg5.bitnet Temakor: SW Job Wanted ( 8 sor ) Felado : jebe@jhuvm.bitnet Temakor: becsi vonatok es egyebek ( 45 sor ) Felado : jborocz@jhuvm.bitnet Temakor: Horvatorszag ( 125 sor ) =============================================== Felado : kl100@jpnaist.bitnet Temakor: nyomasmeres ( 6 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tud e valaki Magyarorszagon mukodo olyan kutatocsoportrol vagy szemelyrol, ahol nyomasmeressel (elv, etalonok, muszerek, stb) foglalkoznak? Minden informaciot elore is koszonok. Laci (Kiss) KL100@JPNAIST.BITNET =============================================== Felado : hollosi%helios.ucsc.edu@ucscc.ucsc.edu Temakor: whois ( 15 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ez most nem az XMAIL WHOIS, hanem az Internet "whois". Ma csak az erdeklodest szeretnem felkelteni azzal, hogy mindenkinek javaslom, hogy irja be a kovetkezo parancsot a sajat gepebe: $ whois hollosi ^L Remelem, az eredmeny eleg erdekes lesz; holnap megirom, hogy lehet bekerulni ebbe az adatbazisba. Jozsi. Ui.: Ha valakinel nincs whois, de tud telnet-elni: telnet nic.ddn.mil (varj, amig kiir valamit, es utana:) whois hollosi =============================================== Felado : gabor@cerberus.chpc.utexas.edu Temakor: alma mutter ( 4 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ki jart itt (ott) a csepeli Jedlik gimnaziumba (vagy melle')? Irja meg, bitte, TITOKBAN! En mar 5 ilyen TIPPest tudok, de nem arulom am el, mert felek a szemelyisegvedo liga'tol. =============================================== Felado : u1126@dgogwdg5.bitnet Temakor: SW Job Wanted ( 8 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kedves Tippelok! Miutan nehany fejvadaszat mar tortent a TIPP kepernyojen, batorkodom fejemet hirdetni. Egy SW project-et (UNIX vagy VMS) szeretnek elcsipni egy high-tech cegnel vagy intezetnel. Jelenleg a MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUTE fuer AERONOMIE -ben vagyok. A szerzodesem szeptember vegen jar le. Egy rovid PROFILE lehivhato a RADIR-bol (WHOIS REMETE). Kivansagra kuldok reszletesebbet is. =============================================== Felado : jebe@jhuvm.bitnet Temakor: becsi vonatok es egyebek ( 45 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ket adalek Masszi Ferenc tegnapi becsivonat-informaciojahoz: Ha hajlando vagy arra, hogy csak a reggeli vagy esti vonattal (Lehar ill. Liszt) utazz, akkor arkedvezmeny van. Az elmult ket evben csak 320 Sch.- be kerult a menetterti jegy Pestig ezzel a kedvezmennyel. A hajnali es az esti vonatnak az az elonye is megvan, hogy Budapesttol keletre nem koz- lekedik. Emiatt 20-30 perces kesesnel tobb nem szokott lenni, mig pl. az Orient -- amely Bukarest felol erkezik -- van ugy, hogy felnapokat kesik. Marmost, ha az otthoni allasat tekintve "kozalkalmazott" az ember, akkor 50%-os kedvezmeny jar neki A MAGYAR SZAKASZRA. Ehhez viszont az kell, hogy (1) nalad legyen a felaru igazolvanyod, s (2) csak az osztrak hatarig vegyel jegyet Becsben. A magyar szakaszra a felaru je- gyet csak a magyar kalauztol veheted meg. (Welcome to Hungary!) Az Amerikabol Becsbe repulesnek a vonat ugy a buktatoja, hogy VISSZAFELE tobbnyire tul koran indulnak a gepek Becsbol ahhoz, hogy aznapi vonattal elerje az ember Pestrol. Emiatt legalabbis visszautban elozo este el kell indulni, es becsi szallasra van szukseg. (Nekem bevalt az Engels- platz-i [!!] "Jugendgaestehaus" kb. 120 Schillingert Youth Hostel igazol- vannyal, illetve 180-ert anelkul. Foglalast honapokkal elore elfogadnak, telefonra is (!!) es ha a foglalaskor megmondjuk, hogy az esti vonattal erkezunk, akkor fenntartjak a helyet akar este 11-ig is. Kb. felora kell, hogy az Engelsplatz-rol eljussunk a Wien Mitte allomasra, ahonnan a ^L repteri buszok felorankent indulnak Schwechatra. (50 Schillingert). A becsi tranzit extrakoltsege tehat minimum: vonat 320 repteri busz 2@50 = 100 szallas 120 24 oras berlet (kb) 50 === ATS 590 (cca. $45) Egyebirant van reggel es este tavolsagi busz is, de ugy tudom, dragabb, mint a fenti vonat es SOKKAL kenyelmetlenebb. (Egyszer probaltam.) Udv: Borocz Jozsef //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Jozsef Borocz (301)338-7636 (office) Department of Sociology email: The Johns Hopkins University jborocz@jhuvm.bitnet or: Baltimore, MD 21218 USA jborocz@jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =============================================== Felado : jborocz@jhuvm.bitnet Temakor: Horvatorszag ( 125 sor ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Az alabbiakban tovabbitom a horvat egyetemek rektorainak korleve- let a mideur-l networkrol. Udv, es ennel sokkal jobb hireket! Borocz Jozsef //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Jozsef Borocz (301)338-7636 (office) Department of Sociology email: The Johns Hopkins University jborocz@jhuvm.bitnet or: Baltimore, MD 21218 USA jborocz@jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Received: from ubvm.bitnet by JHUVM.BITNET (Mailer R2.07) with BSMTP id 9377; Wed, 08 May 91 03:40:21 EST Received: from UBVM by ubvm.bitnet (Mailer R2.07) with BSMTP id 7311; Wed, 08 May 91 03:35:35 EDT Received: from UBVM.BITNET by ubvm.bitnet (Mailer R2.07) with BSMTP id 7308; Wed, 08 May 91 03:35:33 EDT Date: Wed, 8 May 91 09:31:00 CET Reply-To: Discussion of Middle Europe topics Sender: Discussion of Middle Europe topics From: "T.M.Gudelj" X-To: mideur-l%ubvm.bitnet@VM1.NODAK.EDU To: Multiple recipients of list MIDEUR-L ======================================================================== TO ALL OUR COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS | Compelled by the dramatic course of events in Croatia,we, the chancellors of the universities of Croatia, wish to address to our academic colleagues and friendsand the entire world community the following declaration and appeal for solidarity: ^L CROATIA IN DEFENSE OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY We, the academic citizens,professors, and students of the universities of Croatia, the centers of learning among our people, despite the desire to remain above everyday politics, cannot continue to be silent and passive at this dramatic moment in the history of our nation. The basis and foundation of the existence and the work of universities are physical and spiritual freedom and democracy, tolerance, and respect for human rights.Therefore, as these fundamental values are now threatened, we, the chancellors of all four universities of Croatia feel it is our duty to direct the public's attention, both in Croatia and abroad,to the foll- wing: -the jeopardizing of the political and economic sovereignity of the Croation nation through the destruction of roads and other property, obstruction of transportation, planting of bombs and mines, inciting chaos, and resistance to the lawful government of the Republic of Croatia; -the organized terror, killing, injuring, and abuse of innocent people, predominantly Croations in their Croation homeland, as well as other citizens, including the elderly, women, and children, being commited by armed groups of Serbian civilians, controlled by, and for most part, brought in from Serbia; -the ambivalent role of elements of the Yugoslav Army in this conspiracy against Croatia, which, under the influence of individuals in the military command, operates as an occupational force in the Republic of Croatia, often protecting the terrorists instead of assisting the lawful police forces; -the fact that this is not a question of an ethnic clash between a majority nation in its own homeland and a minority nation, but rather a treacherous, belated attempt on the part of the dogmatic Communists at the head of the Yugoslav Army, and of Serbian expansionist politics to provoke such a clash and to use it in attempt to restore Serbian hegemony. We direct the attention of our colleagues and the world community to the factthat the situation is so critical that any moment may bring the expansion of open aggression against Croatia, which has already begun, with consequences that will not be confined to Croatia of remain concealed in Yugoslavia. Such a point has not been reached thanks only to the extremely conciliatory politics of the Croatian leadership and the unlimited patience and understanding om the part of the Croatiaon people in the threatened regions. However, such peace-loving and tolerant politics can succeed and lead to a peaceful solution to this Yugoslav and European crisis only if the world community recognizes the real truth and comprehends what is transpiring in Croatia and to what end, and only if it undertakes everything within the range of political and civilized norms in order that the worst be avoided. For in this brutal aggression in the heart of Europe,'not only would the tiny, but brave Croatian nation suffer in its struggle for freedom, democracy and the most basic human rights', but also - along with the moral disgrace to the entire democratic Western world - it would lead to the suffering of millions of citizens,'to the migration of hudreds of thousands of refugees, and to an economic and demographic catastrophe in Central Europe', with further profound effects on peace in Europe and in the world. Moreover, we wish, in the name of more than 5000 professors and 60000 students of the universities of Croatia, to inform our friends all over the world of the suffering of the terrorized populace all over Croatia, and 'to ^Loffer message of encouragement to those remarkable people', who bravely and patienty suffer the wrath of criminal bands. We are certain that, in the end, truth and justice will prevail and that Croatia will soon be free, democratic, and sovereign, for which noble and they will have suffered. Therefore, we anticipate that all free people, in Croatia and abroad, and particularly our friends and colleagues in academic circles,'will raise their voicesfor Croatia',above all in order that the Croatian nation's 'right to freedom and sovereignty be recognized' for: BY DEFENDING CROATIA, WE ARE DEFENDING FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY AND PROSPERITY IN ALL EUROPE AND THE WORLD. Professor Dr. Marijan Sunjic Chancellor of the University of Zagreb Professor Dr. Aleksandar Solc Chancellor of the University of Osijek Professor Dr. Elso Kuljanic Chancellor of the University of Rijeka Professor Dr. Josip Lovric Chancellor of the University of Split =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=